IGTC Generator Forum Topics / Forum Moderators


David Albright serves as the moderator of the Rotor Electrical Testing forum. Mr. Albright has a broad background in signal analysis and has developed software and hardware for analyzing generator rotor windings for shorted turns.

Mike Davis serves as the moderator of the Visual Inspections forum. Mr. Davis is an Electrical Engineer with over 40 years experience in rotating equipment, centered on the repair, redesign and maintenance of electrical rotating plant. He has been involved in teaching and tutoring mathematics and the theory of rotating equipment and presented numerous conference papers to groups in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, USA and South Africa. During the last 15 years his interest in machine failure mechanisms and root cause analysis of electrical machinery failure led to the development of a popular machine maintenance course. He has been actively involved in several Australian Standard committees and also undertaken a statutory role as an accredited assessing authority for the New South Wales Department of Minerals and Energy.

James S. Edmonds, PE serves as the moderator of the Inner-Hydrogen Cooled Windings forum. Mr. Edmonds has over 40 years of industry experience and leads design and failure investigations on large turbo and hydro generators.

Izzy Kerszenbaum, PhD, PE serves as the moderator for the Diesel-Driven Generator forum. Dr. Kerszenbaum has over 35 years' of experience designing and troubleshooting rotating electric machines and power transformers. He has authored and co-authored numerous papers and several books on the subject. In the last few years he contributed to EPRI’s development of a new guide for the maintenance of Emergency Diesel Generators for nuclear stations. He’s presently a full time consultant.

Clyde Maughan, PE serves as the moderator of the Inner Water-Cooled Windings forum. He has had 60-year career in turbine-generators. He retired from GE in 1986 and has since worked as an engineering consultant on several hundred generator service problems. He lead the effort to establish the annual Generator's Users' Group (GUG) Conference in 2015. He authored the popular e-book "Maintenance of Turbine-Driven Generators" and has published and presented more than three dozen technical papers and magazine articles on various generator maintenance topics in the 20 last years.

Bert Milano, PE serves as the moderator of the Hydrogenerator forum. Mr. Milano has over 40 years of experience in the electric power industry focusing on operations and maintenance in power plants as it relates to generators, electrical insulation, and related high-voltage work, including testing, diagnostics and evaluation. After retiring from his position as the manager of the Hydroelectric Research and Technical Services Group of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Mr. Milano has continued providing technical assistance to generator owners as a consulting engineer. Author of numerous technical papers and magazine and journal articles, Mr. Milano developed the Reclamation Ramp dc high-voltage test, now recognized and included in IEEE standards. He also developed a diagnostic test method to locate leaks in water-cooled generator insulation, which is now used throughout the industry. He holds several patents pertaining to generator and transmission line electromagnetic fields.

Bill Moore, PE serves as the IGTC Genertor Forum Master. He is responsible for the overall management of all of the forums, including assisting current moderators and assigning new moderators, when needed. Mr. Moore has over 34 year's experience in the power industry. He is currently the Director of Technical Services for National Electric Coil. He is also an active member of ASME, serving as a past chair of the Power Division's Executive Committee and of the Turbines, Geneators & Auxiliaries technical committee. He is also a member of IEEE and the U.S. representative to the A1 Rotating Machinery Study Committee for CIGRE.

Joseph Romeo serves as the moderator of the Rotor Windings forum. Mr. Romeo has over 43 years experience with all aspects of generator maintenance and repair. He is an active consulting engineer.

Alan Spisak, PE serves as the moderator of the Vibration Monitoring and the Stator Endwinding Vibration & Resonance forums. Mr. Spisak has over 20 years of experience with large rotating electric machinery in the areas of new design, equipment enhancement, trouble shooting and failure analysis. He is a consulting engineer in practice at EME Associates.

Andrew Spisak, PE serves as the moderator of the Rotor Mechanical Components and Exciters forums. He has over 50 years experience in engineering design and management on large rotating electrical equipment including hydrogenerators and turbine generators, exciters and motors. He is a consulting engineer in practice at EME Associates.

Greg Stone, PE, PhD serves the moderator of the Large Air-Cooled Generators forum. Greg Stone, holds a doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Waterloo (Canada), and is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada He was one of the developers of on-line partial discharge test methods to evaluate the condition of the high voltage insulation in stator windings. He is a past-President of the IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society and continues to be active on many IEEE standards working groups. He is also active on several International Electrotechnical Commission’s (IEC) rotating machine standards working groups, and from 2007-2012 was an elected member of the IEC’s Council Board, it main governing body. He has published several books (one of which was translated into Chinese) and more than 200 papers on rotating machinery insulation. He has received awards from the IEEE, Cigre and IEC for technical contributions to rotating machine assessment. Since 1990, Dr. Stone has been employed at Qualitrol - Iris Power in Toronto, Canada, a motor and generator condition monitoring company he helped to form.

James E. Timperley, PE serves as the moderator of the Stator Electrical Testing forum. James E. Timperley (BSEE, 1968 Oklahoma State University) began working in the utility industry with American Electric Power in Canton, Ohio. He was involved with station engineering, establishing an electrical R&D laboratory and a large motor repair shop as well as inspecting, operating and maintaining large electrical rotating machinery. He retired from AEP after 38 years of service and joined Doble Engineering in 2007 and since 2018 has been the Director, EMSA Technical Services at Charles Taylor Technical Services. Mr. Timperley has published over 80 technical papers on operating, maintaining, testing, advanced insulation materials and repairing rotating electrical machinery. Other activities include upgrading and maintaining high current isolated phase bus, equipment root cause failure analysis, and the development and application of EMI Diagnostics. He is an IEEE Life Fellow and was presented the 2006 Dakin Award by the IEEE Dielectric & Insulation Society for the development of EMI Diagnostics. In 1999 he authored the EPRI Isolated Phase Bus Maintenance Guide, TR-112784. He is active inseveral IEEE standards groups and is a registered professional engineer in the state of Ohio.

André Tétreault is the moderator of the Hydrogenerator Vibration & Dynamics forum category. Mr. Tétreault brings hands-on experience in installation and commissioning of monitoring systems, as well as over 10 years of analyzing results, has given him a wealth of knowledge in regard to large rotating machines, including hydro-generators, turbo-generators, as well as SAG Mills and Ball mills.

Robert T. Ward serves as the moderator of the Stator Core, Clamping Systems and Frame forum. Mr. Ward brings over 61 years of industry and OEM experience with all aspects of generator design and trouble-shooting to the forum. He is an active consulting engineer.

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