We welcome your thoughts, energy and participation.
If you have noticed missing pages, bad links or other web page errors, or if you have questions or comments about how the
Community site is maintained or organized, please contact webmaster.
If you have ideas on how to improve the
Forums, please become involved and contribute by participation. We have many opportunities to improve the IGTC.
Opportunities within the IGTC are:
• Forum Administrators
• Forum Moderators
• Round Table Moderators
• Community Networking Advocates
• Community Resource Prospectors
In return for the active, enthusiastic, documentable volunteer support and consideration given to the IGTC, members are accorded additional privileges by the IGTC.
• Listing/s in agreed-upon appropriate categories in the IGTC Resource Center’s
Power Plant Services Guide, including direct links to consulting/corporate website or an embedded website page, and the privilege of attaching selected size and format compliant brochures to the listing.
• Wiki Profile auto-link from member’s postings to above-described listing.
(Note: Commercial information on members and their companies is made available to other IGTC members via a “Wiki Link” shown in under a member’s username, which is an auto-link to listing information in the IGTC Resource Center’s Power Plant Services Guide.)
The IGTC is a worldwide resource, extending across borders to
all members of the electric power generation industry.
Contribution through Participation.
Contact webmaster: webmaster