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James Wieters, SCANAJames Wieters serves as the moderator of the Operational Issues & Troubleshooting forum. Mr. Wieters has over 35 years' experience in electric power fossil, combined cycle, hydro and nuclear industries and has been involved in plant design, engineering, maintenance and operations.

Mr. Wieters is a Turbine Generator Project Manager at SCANA supporting Turbine Generator operations, maintenance inspections, performance monitoring and modifications with technical direction for the fleet of nuclear, fossil, combined cycle, and combustion turbines. He has extensive experience in the performance, inspection, testing, diagnostics, refurbishment, uprate and modifications for Power Steam Turbines and Generators.

MR. Wieters has completed numerous new plant, re-powering and uprate projects and is a SCANA subject matter expert position for operational and maintenance challenges.

He is a Clemson University graduate in Mechanical Engineering with emphasis on thermodynamics and turbo-machinery design. He has been an ASME Member for more than 32 years, and is the 2013-14 Chair of the Power Division's Executive Committee (EXCOM). He is a past chair of the Division's Turbines, Generators & Technical Committee. Mr. Wieters actively participates in the EPRI Steam Turbine Generator Users Group (TGUG) and is the current chair He also serves as an EPRI Technical Advisor and on the NEIL Boiler Machinery Committee.

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