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Alain Foote, engineerEur.Ing. Alain Foote B.Sc., C.Eng., F.I.MechE. serves as the moderator of the Support Systems Reliability forum. Mr. Foote joined GEC Turbine Generators Ltd., in Rugby, UK, as a Student Apprentice in January 1973. He has a First Class Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bath University. Alain has recently retired from the company (now Alstom). Latterly, he managed the Service Engineering department where he was responsible for engineering support for a fleet of large steam turbines installed in power stations worldwide.

Mr. Foote has extensive knowledge and experience of the design and operation of steam turbines and their auxiliaries.

He is a Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and works in a voluntary capacity for the Institution in various capacities, including being a member of the organising committee for its annual Steam Turbine and Generator Users Group.

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